The current international humanitarian system can no longer adequately address today’s humanitarian crises. Yet, today, we observe three basic facts
- Growing complexity of contemporary humanitarian crises, the great majority of which are conflict related.
- Growing financing gap between ever-increasing needs and limited resources.
The World Humanitarian Summit will be held for the first time to address the extraordinary challenges to the current international humanitarian system. Turkey will host this historic Summit on 23-24 May 2016 in İstanbul.
Situated in a disaster-prone geography, Turkey has a strong tradition of responding to those in need. In fact, Turkey’s land has historically been moulded with humanitarianism. Based on such heritage, we have always extended our caring hand to those in need in their own countries or in third countries, to the extent possible. Today, Turkey also hosts over 3 millions of refugees fleeing from the neighboring countries in grand despair. So, sharing their suffering closely, we directly witness and deeply feel how affected and forcefully displaced communities go through such harsh ordeals. Today, Turkey has become the biggest refugee-hosting nation in the World. Turkey is also the world’s “most generous” humanitarian donor when the ratio of official humanitarian assistance to national income is taken into consideration.
Designation of Turkey as the host of the World Humanitarian Summit is the sign of international community’s admiration for the tireless efforts of Turkey.
The Summit, co-hosted by Turkey and the UN Secretary General, would gather the world leaders with the affected communities and would seek answers for the urgent challenges to the future of the system together with NGOs, private sector and representatives of other stakeholders.
Turkey taking this opportunity would also share its experiences and exemplary practices in this field.
Today, as no country is immune from humanitarian crisis, responding to these crisis is not only an international responsibility but also a moral obligation. Turkey, with this understanding, awaits you to embrace the future of humanity.